Saturday, November 15, 2008

*sings* Joshua, Joshua, Joshua 1 verse 9...

The book of Joshua, especially the first chapter, has always been one of my favorites. I guess it's my mother's fault for playing those kids cassette tapes with all the Bible verses put to song. There was one in particular that was a favorite and it was an exact quote of Joshua 1:9:
"Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
As I'm typing it, I'm singing it under my breath and typing to the rhythm of the song. Joshua's new job must've been terrifying. He saw how the people treated Moses- grumbling, complaining, whining. They were such BABIES! Not that they didn't go through some really tough stuff, but they had so many visible, tangible, POWERFUL, obvious interactions with God in absolutely fantastic ways that would shock the living daylights outta me. I mean, good grief! And now Joshua has to lead these people into yet another difficult set of situations against nations they didn't think they could defeat and having to do some really hard stuff (like wiping out entire cities). Joshua must have been freaking out bigtime. But then God comes to him right away and gives him not only instructions, but copious amounts of encouragement. He provides Joshua with everything he could possibly need and loves on him SO much. No wonder Joshua put that all in the first chapter, starting in the first verse! He gives the situation (Moses dies, then...the LORD said...) and continues from there. God goes through all of the promises He gave Moses and reasserts that they are still true and will still happen, because He WILLS it. It's a confident statement of God's sovereignty. "I WILL" do such-and-such. All the way up through verse 9, the Lord speaks to Joshua and tells him what's what in such a caring but still military way (Joshua was military, the Lord speaks to us where we're at in a way we can understand- personal relationship, remember?). THEN, in verse 10, "So Joshua ordered the officers...." blah blah blah. Basically, he goes and does what God said. End of story. Joshua is the first book in the O.T. up until now that has the Israelites consistently doing what God said to do. Incredible!! But what's so important is this: Joshua listened to the Lord and did what any normal person in his situation would (what??? wait. here's the catch) that was COMPLETELY CONFIDENT THAT THE LORD WAS WITH HIM. wow. *feels small* When God spoke, Joshua believed, and acted on that belief with certainty, and that certainty spread confidence to those who looked up to him as a leader appointed by God and Joshua was above reproach (which is what a leader SHOULD be, no?) and that built trust, and the trust manifested itself in obedience from the people. Again, wow. So many lessons in just one chapter, I can barely contain it. I know my Bible's margins are having a hard time containing my notes too. It looks like either a pen exploded or a grafitti artist was having a good time. :-D

1 comment:

Josie said...

I remember that song! Good thoughts, sis!